Basic Algorithm Concepts You Need to Know as a Programmer

Basic Algorithm Concepts You Need to Know as a Programmer

As a programmer, having a solid understanding of basic algorithms and data structures is essential for writing efficient and effective code. . Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, mastering these algorithmic concepts will help you write better code, solve complex problems, and advance your career. In this article, we will explore 6 major types of algorithm concepts that every programmer should know, and by the end of this article, you will have a deep understanding of these basic concepts. At the end of each concept, I have included the resources that you needed to learn it.

  1. Sorting Algorithms

Sorting algorithms are a fundamental aspect of computer science and are used to rearrange a collection of elements into a particular order. There are many different sorting algorithms, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, here are some of them

  1. Bubble sort: A simple sorting algorithm that repeatedly steps through the list, compares adjacent elements, and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. The algorithm gets its name from the way smaller elements "bubble" to the top of the list.

  2. Insertion sort: Another simple sorting algorithm that builds the final sorted array one item at a time. It is much less efficient on large lists than more advanced algorithms such as quicksort, heapsort, or merge sort.

  3. Quick sort: A divide-and-conquer algorithm that works by selecting a "pivot" element from the array and partitioning the other elements into two sub-arrays, according to whether they are less than or greater than the pivot. The sub-arrays are then sorted recursively.

  4. Merge sort: A divide-and-conquer algorithm that works by dividing the unsorted list into n sub-lists, each containing one element, and then repeatedly merging sub-lists to produce new sorted sub-lists until there is only one sub-list remaining.

  5. Heap sort: A comparison-based sorting algorithm that works by dividing its input into a sorted and an unsorted region, and it iteratively shrinks the unsorted region by extracting the largest element and moving that to the sorted region.

Each of these sorting algorithms has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of which one to use depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand, including the size of the data set, the distribution of the data, and the desired performance characteristics.

Resources :

  1. Searching Algorithms

Searching algorithms are a crucial part of computer science and are used to find an element or a group of elements within a larger collection of data. These algorithms are used in a variety of applications, including database indexing, web search engines, and recommendation systems.

Some of the most commonly used Searching algorithms include:

  1. Linear search: A simple search algorithm that iterates through the elements of a collection one by one until the desired item is found or all items have been checked. It is the simplest search algorithm but also the slowest for large collections.

  2. Binary search: An efficient search algorithm that works by dividing the search space in half at each step. It is only effective on sorted collections and is faster than linear search for large collections.

  3. Hash table search: A searching algorithm that uses a hash table data structure to store the elements of a collection and enable fast search times. Hash tables use a hash function to map the elements to their corresponding indices in the table, allowing for constant-time search times in the best-case scenario.

  4. Bloom filter search: A probabilistic search algorithm that can quickly test whether an element is in a collection or not, with a small chance of false positives. It is used in a variety of applications, including spell-checking and IP address filtering.

  5. Trie search: A tree-based search algorithm that is used for searching in a collection of strings. It is particularly effective for searching for patterns in large datasets of strings, such as dictionaries or IP prefixes.

The choice of which searching algorithm to use depends on the specific requirements of the task at hand, including the size of the collection, the structure of the data, and the desired performance characteristics.


  1. Recursion

Recursion is a powerful technique in computer science that involves solving a problem by breaking it down into smaller sub-problems and solving those sub-problems recursively. Recursion algorithms are based on the idea of breaking down a complex problem into simpler sub-problems until those sub-problems become so simple that they can be solved directly.

In a recursive algorithm, the function calls itself, either directly or indirectly, until a base case is reached. The base case is a simple and easily solvable problem that serves as the stopping condition for the recursion. The results of the base cases are then combined to solve the original problem.

One of the key benefits of recursion is that it allows for a more elegant and concise solution to problems that would otherwise require complex and convoluted code. It is particularly useful for problems that have a recursive structure, such as tree-based data structures or divide-and-conquer algorithms.

Recursion can be a challenging technique to master, as it requires a good understanding of the problem being solved and the stopping condition for the recursion. However, with practice, recursion can become a powerful tool for solving complex problems concisely and elegantly.


  1. Dynamic Programming

Dynamic programming is a technique in computer science used to solve problems that can be broken down into smaller sub-problems. It involves breaking down a complex problem into smaller sub-problems and solving them in a bottom-up manner, starting with the simplest sub-problems and building up to the most complex ones.

The key idea behind dynamic programming is to avoid redundant computation by storing the results of sub-problems in a cache, so that they can be reused later on, rather than recomputing them. This cache is often referred to as a "memory" or "table."

Dynamic programming is particularly useful for solving optimization problems, such as the shortest path problem or the longest common subsequence problem, where the goal is to find the optimal solution among a large number of possibilities. It is also used in problems involving sequences, such as the Fibonacci sequence or the knapsack problem.

Dynamic programming algorithms can be divided into two categories:

  1. Memoization: In this approach, the results of sub-problems are stored in a cache for future use. This can reduce the time complexity of the algorithm from exponential to polynomial.

  2. Tabulation: In this approach, the results of sub-problems are stored in a table, similar to a bottom-up approach. The table is constructed in a forward manner, starting with the simplest sub-problems and building up to the most complex ones.

Dynamic programming can be a challenging technique to understand, but with practice, it can become a powerful tool for solving complex problems efficiently. It is often used in combination with other algorithms, such as greedy algorithms or divide-and-conquer algorithms, to find the optimal solution to a problem.

Dynamic programming is a technique in computer science used to solve problems that can be broken down into smaller sub-problems. It involves breaking down a complex problem into smaller sub-problems and solving those sub-problems in a bottom-up manner, starting with the simplest sub-problems and building up to the most complex ones.

The key idea behind dynamic programming is to avoid redundant computation by storing the results of sub-problems in a cache, so that they can be reused later on, rather than recomputing them. This cache is often referred to as a "memory" or "table."

Dynamic programming is particularly useful for solving optimization problems, such as the shortest path problem or the longest common subsequence problem, where the goal is to find the optimal solution among a large number of possibilities.

Dynamic programming algorithms can be divided into two categories:

Memoization: In this approach, the results of sub-problems are stored in a cache for future use. This can reduce the time complexity of the algorithm from exponential to polynomial.

Tabulation: In this approach, the results of sub-problems are stored in a table, similar to a bottom-up approach. The table is constructed in a forward manner, starting with the simplest sub-problems and building up to the most complex ones.

Dynamic programming can be a challenging technique to understand, but with practice, it can become a powerful tool for solving complex problems efficiently. It is often used in combination with other algorithms, such as greedy algorithms or divide-and-conquer algorithms, to find the optimal solution to a problem.


  1. Graph Algorithms

Graph algorithms are a set of algorithms used to solve problems related to graphs. Graphs are mathematical structures used to model relationships between entities. They consist of vertices (also known as nodes) and edges that connect the vertices. Graph algorithms can be used to solve a wide range of problems, including finding the shortest path between two nodes, finding the minimum spanning tree of a graph, and determining whether a graph is connected or not.

Some of the most commonly used graph algorithms are Breadth-First Search (BFS), Depth-First Search (DFS), Dijkstra's Algorithm, etc.

Graph algorithms are important in computer science and are used in a wide range of applications, from computer networks and transportation systems to social networks and recommendation systems.


Greedy Algorithms

Greedy algorithms are a class of algorithms that follow a "greedy" strategy for finding an optimal solution to a problem. The basic idea behind these algorithms is to make the locally optimal choice at each step in the solution process, with the hope that these choices will lead to a globally optimal solution.

In a greedy algorithm, the solution is constructed incrementally, with each step being the locally optimal choice. This type of algorithm is suitable for problems where making a greedy choice results in a solution that is close to optimal. For example, the problem of finding the minimum number of coins to make change can be solved using a greedy algorithm, as choosing the coin with the highest denomination at each step leads to the optimal solution.

Greedy algorithms are simple to understand and implement, and they are often faster than other algorithmic approaches, such as dynamic programming or branch-and-bound algorithms. However, they do not always produce the optimal solution and may not be suitable for all types of problems. It is important to understand the underlying problem and the structure of the data to determine if a greedy algorithm is an appropriate solution.

Examples of greedy algorithms include the activity selection problem, the fractional knapsack problem, and the minimum spanning tree problem.


After you learn these concepts you should practice them and apply them to real-world problems, without practicing and writing your own code you can't be a good developer. So here are some platforms you can practice these algorithm concepts

  1. HackerRank: HackerRank is a platform that provides coding challenges and competitions in various domains, including algorithms, data structures, mathematics, cryptography, and more. The platform allows you to submit your solutions in various programming languages, including C++, Java, Python, and others.

  2. LeetCode: LeetCode is a platform that provides coding challenges focused on algorithms and data structures. It has a large collection of problems, including real-world problems from companies like Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. The platform allows you to submit your solutions in various programming languages and provides detailed solutions and explanations for each problem.

  3. CodeForces: CodeForces is a platform that provides algorithmic contests and competitive programming. It has a large collection of algorithmic problems, along with regular online contests that allow you to compete against other programmers. The platform supports multiple programming languages, including C++, Java, and Python.

These platforms provide an excellent opportunity to improve your algorithmic skills and problem-solving abilities, and they are a great resource for preparing for technical interviews.

In conclusion, learning basic algorithm concepts is crucial for any programmer. From sorting algorithms to dynamic programming and graph algorithms, understanding how to design and implement efficient algorithms will make you a better and more effective programmer. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, these concepts are fundamental to your success as a developer.

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